The final abstention will amount to 32.5%, according to our Ipsos-Talan estimate.

Abstention is expected to rise to 32.5%according to an Ipsos-Talan estimate for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24, RFI and LCP. It’s 20 points less than in 2022, when 52.49% of registered voters did not turn out to vote. The dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron on June 9 mobilized voters. If this figure is confirmed, it would be the highest turnout in a legislative election since 1997. Follow our live coverage.

A sharp increase in participation. French voters still have a few hours to cast their ballots in the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday, June 30, but the vote should prove more mobilizing than in 2022. Turnout reached 59.39% to 5 p.m., according to the Interior Ministry. At midday, attendance stood at 25.9%, still according to the same source. Participation is up sharply, if we compare with the first round of the legislative elections of June 19, 2022, where it stood at 39.42% at 5 p.m. Follow election night in our livestream.

The first results are expected at 8 p.m. The first estimates can only be communicated from 8 p.m., the closing time of the last polling station in France. Some overseas territories, as well as French people living abroad in America, voted on Saturday June 29. Internet voting was also possible for some voters living abroad.

Barely 4,000 candidates vying for the first round. The number of aspiring MPs (4,009) has never been so low in almost thirty years. Between the alliance of left-wing parties and the restricted deadlines for presenting candidates, there are 2,280 fewer for these elections than in 2022.

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