The Film Festival started on Sunday until July 5, with a rising price

This increase which increases the ticket from four to five euros is the first for eight years.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


Reading time : 1 min.

Film posters at the UGC Ciné Cité les Halles, in Paris (2023).  (STEPHANE MOUCHMOUCHE / HANS LUCAS)

The Film Festival, the main promotional operation in French cinemas, returns from July 2 to 5, with ticket prices up by one euro, to five euros per screening. The operation attracts approximately three million spectators to theaters each year.

The price increase, the first for eight years, "reflects that of the operating costs of the rooms“, underlined to AFP the general delegate of the National Federation of French Cinemas (FNCF), Marc-Olivier Sebbag.

The Film Festival is being organized as cinemas hope to have finally emerged from the post-Covid slump: in April and May, attendance was above pre-pandemic years. “Overall, we are getting out of very low attendance levels“of the last semesters, estimates Mr. Sebbag.”Everyone resumes“, confirms the market specialist for the company Comscore Eric Marti: “the market recovered and returned to pre-Covid levels“, he explained to AFP.

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