the figures for bullying in France



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5% to 6% of French students are said to be victims of school harassment in France. Figures disputed by associations which evoke, them, 10% of students harassed.

According to the government, in France, when a child is insulted, threatened, beaten, pushed around or receives offensive messages repeatedly, it is then possible to speak of bullying at school. According to the latest figures, in total, 5% to 6% of students are victims of it, but associations estimate that this figure would actually rise to 10%. A recent IFOP study explains that most of this violence takes place in middle school (54%) but it also takes place in primary (23%) and high school (13%).

For the past ten years, the figures for bullying in France have been relatively stable, but a Senate report warns of their reliability. Indeed, the surveys carried out by the French government on this subject are not numerous enough and not recent enough to succeed in really measuring the evolution of the phenomenon in the country.

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