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On Monday August 29, the government announced a decree to put an end to certain energy-intensive practices, such as illuminated billboards. Alexandre Peillerrout details this announcement on the set of 12/13.
Among the measures targeted by the latest government decree, digital screens that display several advertisements. “The government wants to harmonize the rules at the national level, and therefore prohibit their lighting from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. It must be said that these screens are very energy-intensive”explains Alexander Peillerrout, on the set of 12/13, Tuesday August 30. Thus, the electricity consumption of a 2 m2 screen is estimated at more than 2 kWh per year, or as much as the consumption of a 4-person household for lighting and household appliances.
The decree will prohibit businesses from leaving their doors open with heating this winter, as was done with air conditioning this summer. Finally, public lighting “can represent up to half of the electricity consumption of municipalities. So some have decided to simply turn them off in the middle of the night”continues the journalist.