the fifth wave is here




Article written by

F. Pradonnaud, E.Bach, D. Sebastien, M.Drejou, E.Prigeant, M.Somm, Y. Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

Impossible to escape the fifth wave of Covid-19, which has already imposed itself on the French population. More than 20,200 cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours. In the past week, hospitalizations have jumped 22%. How big will this wave be and what are the upcoming arrangements?

In certain French territories, the authorities have already started to tighten the screws, by intensifying the controls of the health pass. In Ardèche, the police patrolled the football fields on Wednesday November 17. “We have an incidence rate in Ardèche which is double the national average. It is therefore worrying”, declares Thierry Devimeux, prefect of the department.

However, the Ardèche department is not the only one to be affected by the rise of the virus. The whole country is facing this fifth wave. The incidence rate reached 106 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, against 43.5 four days earlier. In one week, hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 have increased by 22%. Some caregivers are worried about this wave which comes on top of the winter epidemics which have intensified this winter.

Evolution of the incidence rate: GEODES / Public health France

Hospital admissions: CovidTracker

Modeling of the Institut Pasteur for the fall / winter of October 4

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