the fierce duel between Biden and Trump


Video length: 1 min

2024 American presidential elections: the fierce duel between Biden and Trump

The campaign for the American presidential elections in November 2024 has already launched between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. – (Franceinfo)

The campaign for the American presidential elections in November 2024 has already launched between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The campaign has barely started when Donald Trump and Joe Biden fight blows for blows. At a meeting in Iowa, the former president attacked his successor on Saturday January 6. “We have a president who is a great danger to democracy on a level that few people have seen”he said.

The two candidates respond to each other through intermediary exchanges

Traveling to Pennsylvania, Joe Biden, looking to give backadding momentum to his campaign, accused Donald Trump of adopting the Nazi argument. “He calls those who oppose him vermin. He speaks of America’s blood being poisoned, echoing exactly the same language used in Nazi Germany.”, castigates the tenant of the White House. The two candidates are neck and neck in the polls and Donald Trump’s legal woes do not seem to affect his popularity rating.

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