the FFF will review its image rights agreement “as soon as possible” after a dispute with Kylian Mbappé

The question of collective image rights has been the subject of tension in recent months between the French Football Federation and the striker of the Blues Kylian Mbappé.

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Finally, the FFF will not wait for the return of Qatar to take care of the boiling file of image rights. Following the announcement, Monday, September 19, made by Kylian Mbappé, who refuses to take part in a photo session on the background of disagreement with the Federation, the image rights agreement will be revised “a.s.a.p“The French football body committed in a press release. This provision established the rules between the players of the France team and the FFF concerning their image with the selection, a point of conflict with Mbappé since March 2022.

Established since 2010 and the disaster of the World Cup in Knysna, this convention required the Blues to appear in promotional operations of the French Football Federation. What Kylian Mbappé wants to have more control over, vis-à-vis his personal image as he explained during the first stumbling block on March 23. This one-day boycott devoted to the partners of the France team had been the source of tensions between the player and his representatives on the one hand, and the FFF on the other.

The president of the Federation, Noël Le Graët, had initially postponed the deadline at the start of the day on Monday, in the columns of The Team (paid item). “After the World Cup, we’ll see what to do, he advanced. There will be new players and some new sponsors. This will be an opportunity to take stock.“A pious wish since a discussion with certain executives of the Blues resulted, Monday evening, in a reversal of position, and one more site for the French team for the World Cup in Qatar.

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