the FFF is campaigning for the creation of a compensation fund for workers who are victims of accidents in Qatar

This announcement was made at the opening of the Think Foot forum, organized on Tuesday at the headquarters of the FFF.

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While the major French cities are announcing one by one their decision not to broadcast World Cup matches in Qatar on giant screens (November 20-December 18), the French Football Federation (FFF) has reiterated its position vis- vis-à-vis the competition, and affirmed its ambitions with regard to the organizing country, at the opening of the Think Football forum, Tuesday, October 4, at the Paris headquarters of the body.

“We are trying to be pragmatic, to be efficient, our choice is to support developments, and not to boycott, to ensure, without arrogance in relation to the organizing country, that the developments that we are beginning to observe may be prolonged”, declared the deputy vice-president of the body, Philippe Diallo.

He announced working with a dozen other federations on the compensation of victims of industrial accidents on construction sites in Qatar. This is, according to Philippe Diallo, “to create a reception center for migrant workers which would be part of the legacy of the Qatari World Cup, to create a compensation fund for all those who were victims of accidents at work during the construction sites of the Cup of the world, and to ensure that all captains can wear an armband sign of inclusion”.

The FFF also wishes to guarantee good “working conditions and remuneration” to employees and service providers at the French team’s base camp in Doha. Many NGOs and human rights organizations have called for the establishment of this fund, even if Qatar believes that it has taken the necessary measures to protect and compensate its workers.

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