The Fête de la science returns this weekend to Île de France

This is a unique opportunity to push the door of a laboratory. The Fête de la science is back this Saturday, October 8. A free eventorganized since 1991 by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education to popularize and highlight the work of scientists.

The theme chosen this year, “climate awakening”, sticks particularly to recent news. The generalized drought and the mega-fires of the summer appeared for a majority of French people as the first major manifestations of climate change.

Understanding the climate

To better understand how scientists are working to anticipate the effects of climate change, fun workshops (from 3 years old) are organized at the Science and Industry museum
from Paris. The CNRS also opens the doors of its laboratories in Paris, Villejuif and Villetaneuse (registration after drawing lots).

And to address this subject – sometimes experienced as anxiety-provoking – with children,readings and games are at program


Of the 300 events planned this weekend in Île de France, many will also present solutions to adapt to the upheavals to come. Of the “city of tomorrow” more resilient to flooding up to depolluted water thanks to light to avoid chemicals, the tracks are not lacking.

The complete program of the Science Festival is to be found here
. Note that several conferences and debates are broadcast online.

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