the festivities in the North have begun


Video length: 2 min

Dunkirk Carnival: festivities in the North have begun

The Dunkirk carnival (North) began on Sunday January 21 with the traditional Chat Noir ball. Thousands of people dressed in masks and multi-colored umbrellas paraded through the streets, carried away in a joyful hullabaloo. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V.Meyer, M.Schelcher, J.François, R.Chartier

France Televisions

The Dunkirk carnival (North) began on Sunday January 21 with the traditional Chat Noir ball. Thousands of people dressed in masks and multi-colored umbrellas paraded through the streets, carried away in a joyful hullabaloo.

Jubilant Dunkirks chant their favorite song at the top of their lungs. Midnight has just struck, the 2024 carnival party can finally begin. Traditional jokes, heckling, fun… Contrary to appearances, carnival is a very codified ceremony, which makes the masquelours vibrate. Thousands of people dressed in masks and multi-colored umbrellas paraded through the streets, carried away in a joyful hullabaloo.

Social classes are fading

All in chorus, gathered on their knees under the hymn to Jean Bart, social classes disappear between umbrellas and feathers. “You have unemployed people, doctors, but tonight, we don’t care. We are all Dunkirk, we are all carnival-loving”, summarizes a participant. The 80,000 euros of proceeds from the evening will be donated to Dunkirk associations. The carnival season will last until spring.

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