the festivities around the world disrupted by the Covid-19

For the second year in a row, the pandemic is hampering year-end celebrations around the world. Faced with the spread of the Omicron variant, several countries have instituted health restrictions for the holidays.

A new Christmas under the sign of Covid-19. For the second year in a row, the end-of-year festivities are hampered by the pandemic and in particular through the propagation of the Omicron variant worldwide. Faced with the increase in the number of cases, The Netherlands have been confined since Sunday, December 19, while Greece has decided to reintroduce the wearing of compulsory masks outside during the holidays.

All over the world, religious celebrations are also marked by the health crisis. Pope Francis presided over the traditional Christmas mass on Friday, December 24, in Saint Peter’s Basilica, in the Vatican, in front of an audience of some 2,000 masked people. The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem (West Bank), birthplace of Jesus in the Christian tradition, was unable to accommodate foreign pilgrims due to border restrictions.

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