“The Federation is cleansed of all errors”, according to its president Noël Le Graët

The president of the FFF dismissed all responsibility for the clashes on the sidelines of the Champions League final on Sunday in an interview with the JDD.

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Noël Le Graët is stepping up to defend the French Football Federation. Three weeks after the Champions League final at the Stade de France, marked by incidents around the Dionysian enclosure, the president of the FFF gave an interview to the Journal du Dimanche, Sunday June 19.

According to the investigation, it appears that the Federation is cleared of any administrative, legal or jurisdictional error, since ours is the organization and maintenance of order inside the enclosure and that there was no incidentexplained Noël Le Graët. That said, we will have to listen to UEFA about ticketing. The counterfeit notes were made somewhere, and the police will find it.

The Guingampais explained not to fear a possible sanction from UEFA, the European football federation. “I don’t see how she could since we are completely bleached“, he continued. The president of the FFF pointed to a ticket office “surely not suitable“and took up the strongly disputed figure of 30,000 counterfeit banknotes put forward by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.”Let’s put only 3,000 more, it must be true, right?, did he declare. It would be necessary to know how the counterfeit notes were made and by whom.

The Senate delegation made a point Thursday on the progress of the investigation, while new hearings are expected next week. Laurent Lafon, president of the culture committee of the Senate, criticized a “lack of preparation upstream, a lack of responsiveness during, and questionable management after” authorities. An investigation is also underway on the side of UEFA.

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