The federal government grants $2.8 million to sexual and reproductive health projects

The federal government will provide more than $2.8 million to Canadian organizations to ensure better access to sexual and reproductive health services for young people, people with disabilities and Aboriginal people.

These people face access barriers, said Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. He announced on Wednesday that the funding will go to the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (CIÉSCAN) as well as the Alberta-based Center for Sexuality.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded these gaps in sexual and reproductive health care by straining already very limited human resources,” he said.

The money will be used to support projects carried out by the organizations that receive the funds, the minister said. “These projects, funded by Health Canada’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund, will improve access to sexual and reproductive health services and resources for Canadians who face both the greatest needs and the most big hurdles,” he explained.

The funds are to help CIÉSCAN and the Center for Sexuality adapt its programs and resources to the specific needs of young people, including those living with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ2+ community.

Yi Wen Shao, project coordinator at CIÉSCAN, said these people often face stigma.

“Part of the reason why these services are not even available to them at the base [découle]I think, because there are assumptions about the level of interest of people with autism or young people with disabilities in an active sexual life, “summarized the speaker.

The funding announced Wednesday is to run through 2024.

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