the fed up of Delle-Belfort users

The Delle-Belfort line is definitely not unanimous: TER canceled at the last minute, obligation to make a change at Meroux and schedules unsuited to those of high school students, students and workers. Already described as a “fiasco” by an association of users and pinned down by the Court of Auditors, it resumed service in December 2018.

His publications lead to numerous testimonies: on Facebook, Frédéric Rousse, municipal councilor of Delle and daily user of the Delle-Belfort line regularly exposes his misadventures. Latest, the last Thursday, January 27, with the removal of the 7:40 a.m. TER : “I am very respectful of the right to strike and I understand that there may be malfunctions. I regret and am surprised that no information is delivered. There are modern means, via social networks, sms or more emails!”, he gets annoyed.

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Manage my choices

For the municipal councilor, it is urgent to act, through three priority areas: information for users, adapted timetables, authorizing Swiss trains to go as far as Belfort Ville. “If we want to go further, we also need more suitable prices, especially for those who are not subscribers”, he adds.

Constantly adapt

Since November and the removal of certain trains, the schedules are no longer adapted to those of the courses for high school students. Some parents are therefore appealing for leniency in the establishment of their children, like Mélanie. Every day, her son arrives at 8:10 a.m. in Belfort Ville. “It’s unmanageable”, she laments, adding that her son often finds himself “without a train in the evening, with the frequent cancellation of journeys after 5.30 p.m.”.

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