the fears of French exporting companies


Article written by

B. Briffaut, L Barbier, France 3 Regions – France 3

France Televisions

With an armed conflict on Europe’s doorstep, French companies exporting to Russia fear potential economic repercussions.

The war in Ukraine is likely to have major economic consequences for French companies. In Calvados, bottles intended for Russia and Ukraine from a company are blocked. “For now, we are keeping the products and orders as they are and we will advise as the situation evolves, if these products [doivent être] reconditioned for another destination”, says Serge Der Sahaguian, Managing Director of Spirit France. The shortfall is significant: Russia represents 15% of sales, or 300,000 euros.

Same concern on the side of a manufacturer of agricultural equipment in Vendée. It has already stopped production for a Ukrainian order. “In 2014, when Crimea was invaded, […] the consequences were dramatic. We lost 30% of turnover behind. We are a little afraid that history will repeat itself”, deplores Benoît Carré, president of Carré SAS. The scenario is the same in a garment company in the North. Half of its production is made in Ukraine. In response to the Ukrainian conflict, Emmanuel Macron asked Jean Castex to develop a plan to help exporting companies.

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