“The fear of losing our baby”: Rym Renom comes out of silence after the premature birth of his 2nd child

Rym Renown became a mother for the second time, on January 16, 2022. A special birth since she is premature. Blame it on pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy disease that combines high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. This can cause bothersome symptoms for the mom and slow down the baby’s growth. For the first time, Vincent Queijo’s wife spoke on her Instagram account about this ordeal they experienced.

After a few days of silence and above all of anguish, I finally find the strength and the smile to tell you my experience and the end of my pregnancy…“, first wrote the beautiful 30-year-old brunette in the caption of a black and white photo, on which we can discover Vincent and her holding hands, live from the hospital. She then recalled that he was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia a few weeks ago, so she was closely monitored by her gynecologist. Every two or three days, Rym Renom had to do blood tests to check the disease. four days she has felt painful contractions that prevented her from sleeping.Severe pain in the kidneys, lower abdomen and also headaches“, she clarified.

Worried, Vincent Queijo and Rym went to the emergency room twenty-four hours later and they did well. “After a few checks the news came, headed to the block for an emergency caesarean because the baby had too low a heart rate. At the time I didn’t have time to realize what was happening, I just remember the fear and the anguish that invaded me … this fear of losing our baby“, continued the mother of Maria-Valentina (1 year).

But good news, baby and mom are doing well today. Their little girl or little boy”breathe alone” and so is finally with Rym after spending a few days in neonatal intensive care. She therefore wanted to thank the team who took care of her as well as her community who flooded her with messages of support. “And thank you for saving us my love @vincentqueijo“, she concluded.

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