the favorite host of the French and the Hollywood icon reunited in the evening in Paris!

This Saturday, January 14, the bachelor did not lack audacity! All of a sudden, Karine Le Marchand went to the Parisian preview of the latest event film “Babylon”, at the Grand Rex. And above all, she went straight for the star of the film, in other words Brad Pitt! And few have had this honor. She was not only able to chat with the most coveted hunk of the 7th Art, but she got HER photo with him. Not a little proud, she immediately posted it on Instagram, with this caption in story: “To annoy my girlfriends”. Funny and naughty, the beautiful brunette tried her luck and managed to get people talking. Comments ? “But nah too lucky”; “Rooo but rooo but rooo de rooo”; “It’s crazy, the mad charm that you release” or “So? Do you have his 06?!” with a lot of emoticons red hearts and flames! Even celebrity buddies got into it. Luana Belmondo replied: “No but… you’re kidding I hope…”. Marianne James is speechless: “And yes! What can we say? …. Nothing” or even Jeanfi Janssens, his friend from “Big Heads” on RTL, visibly jealous as a louse: “So you look ugly next to it”.

A breathtaking film, an Oscar role!

Suffice to say that the favorite host of the French has had its small effect! And wowed the gallery. And the film in all this? Karine doesn’t say a word, surely focused on this unexpected encounter that leaves her pensive. But it’s a breathtaking film between the incredible acting of the actors (including Margot Robbie) and director Damien Chazelle, who had already made a name for himself worldwide thanks to “La La Land”. In “Babylon”, Brad Pitt portrays a character who collects box office successes like female conquests in a festive and decadent Hollywood of the 1920s. A role inspired by American star John Gilbert. And all the critics are unanimous: an Oscar for this immense 59-year-old actor should normally fall! Which should delight his new great admirer…

See also: “Anything, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand no longer knows where to go after this sexual allusion


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