The fatigue of indignation | Le Devoir

The government is therefore appealing the Superior Court’s judgment, recognizing the right to show people smoking on stage.

So many sources of indignation, we no longer know where to turn. caps lock ” This little extra bullshit is drowned in abundance.

Should we give ministers cognitive tests before giving them the keys? To hear many of them speak in “I… I… I…”, we could diagnose an ego hypertrophy that makes them take democracy as a throne. Is there a doctor in the room?

Normally, this democracy should be a watchdog, our protests or our questions should bring elected officials back down to earth a little. But it seems that we are not providing.

And the opposition parties are busy shoveling clouds while waiting for the Big Day and have less time for ordinary stupidities.

It seems that decades of disappointing governments have convinced us that we can’t do better, with a few nice exceptions, like medical assistance in dying. It’s a great achievement, but when you think about it, it’s also a bit ironic.

But it’s summer, take a breakJean. However, we talk a lot about politics these days, but French and American politics. Meanwhile, our good Prime Minister continues without embarrassment to put all the blame in the world on immigration, stirs up fear of disappearance and simultaneously cuts the budgets for francisation and culture. Yes, yes. An additional source of ordinary indignation. It’s happening now, even though it’s summer. So, I’m writing this, like a kind of bookmark or as if I were folding a corner of the page of our political book, hoping to come back to it later. I understand the fatigue.

Let’s get back to smoking on stage. The minister appeals, but “reserves his comments out of respect for the legal proceedings.” In the judgment that the government is contesting, we find this delicious sentence: “In the particular context of a theatrical performance, this ban does not respond to the objectives in a rational way.”

Mathieu Lacombe, don’t you and your colleagues identify as rational beings?

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