the father of one of the attackers banned from working, his debt of € 60,000 to CAF revealed in broad daylight

Last August, an 89-year-old woman named Angèle was violently attacked by several young people as she returned home. Very quickly, two teenagers were implicated and forced to integrate a closed educational center by order of the Cannes juvenile court (Alpes-Maritimes). The third, who had filmed the act, was released.

A few weeks after the Bouchaïb attack, the father of one of the attackers testified on the TPMP set to apologize and condemn his son’s behavior. This Monday, December 5, 2022, the father of the family was back on C8 to express his dismay: the 59-year-old man was indeed driven out of the market where he had worked for years and banned from practicing his profession as a trader. , as punishment for the offense committed by his son last August.

“I’m not coming to defend my son […] He got what he deserves” launched Bouchaïb before lamenting the fact that he had just lost his job. Distraught, he then asked the town hall of Cannes to take responsibility for helping young people because, according to him, he cannot “stay 24 hours with his son” and therefore cannot control his bad company in the heart of the city… The father of the family then explained that the town hall of Cannes published a press release this Sunday in which his surname is mentioned, which led to the harassment of his four other children who are studying. This letter also mentions the family’s debt of nearly €60,000 to the CAF. Debt that the father of the family had trouble paying justify.

A situation that literally annoyed viewers: “It’s the world upside down. It swindles the caf, it gets fired and after that brings it back. The worst thing is to blame the community.”, “” I owe nothing to CAF “and we don’t talk of 1000 euros we are talking about 59000 euros ahhh that annoys me”, “The guy does not understand that he is responsible for his son, it’s appalling!”, “A child we educate him, we surround him from his birth! If the family cradle is rotten…”, “The father is serious when he says that his son’s behavior is because of the neighborhood the joke. It is he who made him his kid that he assumes full stop. My heart hurts for this poor lady who must be hearing all this.”, “Dad is not very clear either. He is prevented from working in Cannes but not elsewhere!”, “But this gentleman still hasn’t understood that he is responsible for his son!!!! 14 years old damn it!!! It’s not up to the educators of the city to educate him!!!” can we for example read.


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