Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 23 min

The themes :
A farmer and her daughter died after an accident on a blockage and blockades, particularly on motorways, are increasing. Are the FNSEA and all trade union organizations at risk of being overwhelmed by the movement of anger? Is the government in an impasse?
The Assembly debates the government’s proposal this Wednesday to include voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution. The Senate will take up the subject on Thursday, but its president, Gérard Larcher, has displayed his hostility to this constitutional revision. Is candidate Macron’s campaign promise off to a bad start?
The informed:
Roselyne Febvre, head of the political department of France 24
François-Xavier Bourmaud, political journalist at Opinion
Find all the news from the morning of Wednesday January 24, 2024: