In the Netherlands, the far right has finally managed to reach an agreement to form a coalition government, six months after its victory in the legislative elections. Geert Wilders’ party wants to apply the strictest possible anti-immigration policy. Even if it means freeing yourself from European rules.
Reading time: 3 min

It doesn’t take anyone by surprise. Everything was already in his program. But now that the PVV (Party for Freedom) of Geert Wilders has succeeded in setting up a coalition with three right-wing parties – without having to make any major concession to them, other than giving up being Prime Minister himself – he will be able to move forward.
In summary, it is a question of restricting the right to asylum as much as possible, of applying the policy “the strictest“that the Netherlands has ever known: a brake on foreign labor and the flow of non-Dutch students. Limitation of family reunifications. In terms of housing, refugees and asylum seekers will no longer be priorities.
Border controls will be strengthened, expulsions faster. Geert Wilders’ party even wants to pass an “emergency law” to suspend all requests for two years, which would be contrary to European rules.
The next Dutch government will therefore ask to be freed from Union rules. Like Denmark, which obtained a derogation more than 25 years ago, and which is not required to apply certain European legislation on asylum. Copenhagen, for example, does not participate in the Dublin and Schengen regulations. The country has become the most restrictive in Europe in terms of immigration.
The new Dutch government wants to ask the Commission the same thing to go even further. Even if Geert Wilders recognized on Thursday May 16 that the process could take years. In The Hague, Parliament will begin debating it from May 22.
Enough to create a stir among European elected officials. The coming to power of the Dutch far right takes place in a context favorable to the radical right, which is making progress and should consolidate its influence in the elections on June 9.
But what worries parliamentarians above all is the tendency towards compromise of the traditional conservative parties which almost roll out the red carpet for them. The President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, from the European right and candidate for a second term, has herself opened the door to alliances.
Not with the ID group to which Geert Wilders’ Dutch party belongs (and which includes the National Rally as well as the German Afd), but with the other political family of radicals, the ERC, the one led by the Italian Giorgia Meloni, where we find Vox in Spain or Reconquête! by Eric Zemmour.
Renew is also worried. Valérie Hayer, president of the group in the European Parliament and head of the list of Emmanuel Macron’s camp for the European elections, expressed her “total disapproval” in the face of the Dutch coalition agreement, concluded in particular with the liberals of the VVD. In France, this would amount to making the representatives of the RN and those of Renaissance work together. The voters will not be able to say that they were taken by surprise .