In her 2024 wishes, Marine Le Pen commits to improving “the daily lives of the French”. “We can play all the trivializations we want”, “there are men and women who are not equal to others” for the RN, judges the Federation of Solidarity Actors.
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“The extreme right is antithetical to solidarity”, castigates Tuesday January 2 on franceinfo Pascal Brice, president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors. He reacts, in particular to the wishes of Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly, where she promises to fight for “the improvement of [la] everyday life” the French.
However, according to Pascal Brice, “we can play all the trivializations we want, basically”for the National Rally, “There are men and women who are not equal to others”. It even evokes, beyond “from the hatred of foreigners” by the extreme right, that “of all the poor”.
If the president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors recognizes that “the difficulties are very present” in France, for example “on the question of ecological transformation […]from the relationship to work”however, he regrets that Marine Le Pen’s movement represents “an above-ground political system, which opposes dogmas, which nourishes, which exploits”. Faced with the rise of the National Rally in the polls, particularly for the next European elections, he is worried: “People will have to wake up in this country”.