the far right could pay dearly for its division



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After procrastinating, Éric Zemmour sets out to conquer a seat in the hemicycle in a constituency where an RN candidate is running. Valery Lerouge, journalist at France Televisionsanalyzes the possible consequences of this division of the extreme right.

Candidate for the legislative elections in the Var, Éric Zemmour will have to face a candidacy from the National Rally. As in other constituencies, the division of the extreme right could cost him dearly. “Take the example of Vaucluse, for example, where Marine Le Pen’s party can legitimately hope to obtain a certain number of seats in view of its presidential results. Reconquest sends him four candidates out of the five constituencies“, observes journalist Valery Lerouge.

There will be territories which seemed theoretically acquired by the nationalist right which could remain with the presidential majority, with a candidate of the union of the left or with the Republicans“, he continues. The latest projections from Harris Interactive for Challenges also bear witness to the consequences of this division of the far right, which could don’t get only 50 to 80 deputies.

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