the fans expected from 4 p.m. on the Old Port of La Rochelle to celebrate the title

Grand, historic, magical. Superlatives are lacking to describe what Stade Rochelais has just offered to all its supporters. The city and the rugby club have shifted into another dimension since the European triumph on Saturday evening in Champions Cup final against the Irish of Leinster, struck down at the Stade Vélodrome in Marseille by a band of starving people.

Grégory Alldritt and his friends gave the yellow and black people their first major title. The party lived up to the feat and it continues this Sunday around the Old Port of La Rochelle, the scene of scenes of jubilation that will make you cry tears of happiness.

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The new European rugby champions landed shortly after 5 a.m. and hundreds of supporters waited several hours to welcome them. Symbol of unfailing fidelity and a fervor that commands admiration.

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Double decker bus

Supporters are invited to gather around the Old Port this Sunday from 4 p.m., even if the European champions will not be visible until 7 p.m. A double-decker bus will cut through the cheering crowd in the city center. It will leave from the SNCF station to go to the foot of the Tour de la Chaîne after a few stops.

A giant screen has been installed at the aurora square Valin. The Old Port has been closed to traffic for 2 p.m. Buses are diverted to secondary axes. All car parks remain open, but the municipality strongly encourages people to favor soft modes of travel.

France Blue La Rochelle offers you a special program “return of the heroes” from 7 p.m.

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