The famous expression “Goal à Laval” could make the buzz even in space

Sunday evening, the Arkunir Twitter account launched a contest on the American social network. The ten most “liked” messages will be sent into space on September 2.

La Fédé de la Lose, a humorous account on sport, chose to participate by simply writing three words: “Goal à Laval”. So why use this famous expression used by Thierry Ruffat on the airwaves of France Inter? Antoine, one of the founders of the Fédé de la Lose gave an explanation to France Bleu Mayenne: “It’s one of the first things that popped into my head. I also thought of another expression that we like “Allez Alain Philippe” but I have the impression that we talked a lot about Alain Philippe this summer so we had to change.

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Antoine, thirty years old, has never really heard this expression on the radio. He who is more of the Canal + generation: “I remember the Canal multiplexes with the famous jingle. But Stade Lavallois has never been in the Ligue 1 multiplex. However, “Goal à Laval” is the expression that is linked to multiplexes. Finally, I don’t know how we got this expression back into our common language, but these are the three words that are linked to any football multiplex.

A few more hours to “like”

The competition is open until Tuesday, August 23, 5 p.m. But there is no question of playing for the win for the Fede de la Lose! : “The objective is to finish 11th of course. If we want to respect the DNA of the FFL which is to celebrate defeat and disillusionment, if there are ten tweets that go into space, I imagine that we will finish 11th.

If the message from the Fédé de la Lose still finishes in the top ten, the space trip is scheduled for September 2 at 8:30 p.m.

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