the family troubles of Adrien Quatennens embarrass within the Nupes

When the Nupes wants to show itself – in part – united by announcing the date of a big march against high prices on October 16, the private situation of Adrien Quatennens divides behind the scenes.

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Since the revelations Tuesday, September 13 of a handrail for domestic violence targeting the national coordinator of LFI, the rebellious have walled themselves in silence. Their phones are on voicemail; one of the few deputies to drop out claims to have had plenty of meetings preventing her from thinking about the issue. No one moves, neither in the media nor off the microphone.

“There is nothing. Not a sound, not a noise”, testifies an ecologist who sees his rebellious colleagues avoiding the question in the corridors of the Assembly. Embarrassment even within his group: “We have a form of tetany among the Greens, we all look at our pumps”he said. “It’s the blackout”, the complete black, adds a leading socialist. For him, La France insoumise must quickly position itself: temporarily suspend Adrien Quatennens for the duration of the procedure.

The PS intends to increase the pressure. “It is not impossible that we communicate this weekend”, tells us this part of the party. Ditto on the side of La France insoumise: the president of the group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, must speak soon on the subject, believes a parliamentarian.

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