A national tribute, chaired by Emmanuel Macron, will be paid on Wednesday at the chancellery to the former Minister of Justice.
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The family of Robert Badinter does not wish the presence of elected officials from the National Rally and La France insoumise at the national tribute which will be paid on Wednesday to the former Minister of Justice, who died last week, we learned, Tuesday February 13 , franceinfo from a source close to the file, confirming information from Figaro.
“We will not be present, the family did not wish it. We respect, I will not argue“, reacted Marine Le Pen, on the sidelines of a session at the National Assembly. “A national tribute from which a part of the French are excluded is no longer a national tribute. The Republic is one and indivisible”, initially denounced Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the social network “A national tribute is a national tribute. We are invited, and we will be represented there by Caroline Fiat, vice-president of the National Assembly and Éric Coquerel, president of the Finance Commission”we can read in their press release.
Two different reactions
The RN and LFI had very different reactions to the announcement of the death of Robert Badinter. The leaders of the far right stuck to the minimum service in their tributes to the memory of Robert Badinter, a figure long reviled for having abolished the death penalty. Marine Le Pen had greeted “a significant figure in the intellectual and legal landscape”while affirming that we “might not share all the fights” of the former Minister of Justice. On the contrary, rebellious officials had increased their praise. The leader of the radical left Jean-Luc Mélenchon published another column on Monday in The Obs to greet a figure who “constantly held to the altitude of the ideal.”