the family of the passenger killed by the police will file a complaint against the driver of the vehicle and against X

The lawyer for the victim’s family declared her intention to file two complaints after Rayana’s death, the young woman aged 21, passenger in the car checked on Saturday.

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The family of the passenger killed by the police on Saturday in Paris will file two complaints, Wednesday June 8: one against the driver of the vehicle and the other, against X, announces his lawyer to franceinfo.

A first complaint, for “manslaughter”, targets the driver of the car, himself shot and wounded by the police and taken into custody on Tuesday, says lawyer Sylvie Noachovitch, on RTL. By refusing to comply when passengers begged him to stop, he committed a willful violation of the rules of prudence and safety and caused the death of Rayana”, she justifies to franceinfo. In his testimony given to franceinfo, the passenger friend of the victim said that the occupants of the vehicle had asked her not to flee from the control of the police, but that the driver seemed “panic” because he didn’t have a permit.

The lawyer for the victim’s family also announced the filing of a complaint against X for “willful violence resulting in death without the intention of giving it”, which targets the police: “We do not understand why we fired ten shots in front of the passenger, why she ended up with a bullet in the head”, she said. “According to the version of the witnesses, there was no longer any danger for the lives of the police at the time of the shooting, specified Sylvie Noachovitch. They cannot invoke self-defence.” According to the police lawyer, Laurent– Franck Lienard, the testimony of the passenger “does not conform to the objective elements of the file”.

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