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The trial for the murder of Maëlys opened on Monday January 31 in Grenoble (Isère). Nordahl Lelandais again admitted having killed the 8-year-old girl, and said he was ready to explain the facts, because gray areas remain.
The family of Maëlys, her parents and her sister, arrived in court for this first day of trial, Monday, January 31, in Grenoble (Isère). They held in their hands the portrait of the 8-year-old girl. Their faces showed apprehension, but also impatience to finally come face to face with the presumed murderer, Nordahl Lelandais. Maëlys’ father, Joachim de Araujo, said he hoped “that we feel reassured, that he is in prison”before adding that he was not sure he could get an explanation from the suspect.
Nordahl Lelandais reserved his first hearing statements for the family of Maelys. In the box, the accused spoke in a calm voice. “I apologize. I did kill Maëlys. I did not want to. I will explain the facts during the hearing”, did he declare. Words that neither convinced nor moved the civil parties. Last May, the ex-soldier had already pronounced these words during another trial, that of the death of Corporal Arthur Noyer, in Chambéry (Savoie). A crime for which he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Today, many gray areas remain. Among them, the dog handler, also prosecuted for sexual assault on two little cousins, did he abuse Maëlys before killing her?