the face of Jessica Thivenin in question!

Too much surgery… Reality TV candidates have been increasingly singled out for several years. The reason ? The fact that they abuse cosmetic surgery a little too much and distort their bodies according to many Internet users. Jessica Thivenin, Maeva Ghennam, or Maeva Martinez, to name a few, would pass too often on the billiards for most of their fans. And it is undoubtedly not the new appearance of the darling of Thibault Garcia which will calm the ardor of some.

However, the mother of Maylone and Leewane received many compliments a few days ago when she revealed her body after returning from filming the Apprentice Adventurers. Minus ten kilos on the scale for her and her darling. Enough to make her community understand that she had a hard time playing the adventurers and maybe even that she would have gone to the end of the adventure. Because it is unfortunately not in a week, even without eating, that we manage to lose so much weight. This answer, it will only be over the episodes that the fans will get it.

A mouth that makes people talk

As for Jessica Thivenin’s haters, they had a blast discovering the portrait of the young woman for the adventure reality TV show of W9. The majority pointing to the fact that the face of the young mother is completely transformed by the injections and in particular her mouth. “Jess’s mouth”, “Why is her face swollen?”, “Jess she ruined her face”, “But wsh she changed her face again it’s amazing”, “Jessica we hardly recognize you”dropped some twittos.

On the other hand, it is much more regrets than tackles with regard to the darling of Thibault Garcia. Indeed, in most comments, Internet users accompanied them with sad emojis or with tears in their eyes. In order to make it clear that they preferred the face of Jessica Thivenin before the surgery. Or at least, before she abuses it.

See also: Jessica Thivenin in tears on Snapchat… Find out why!


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