The fabulous class of Mrs. Marie-Ève

“I have never seen such a nice lady. »

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

I had just asked the students in francization of Mme Marie-Ève ​​how they could describe their teacher to me.

It was Israa, a young Syrian refugee, who broke the ice. She knows Marie-Ève ​​for a long time, because she was the teacher of her older sisters.


Israa, young Syrian refugee

I think she is the best teacher.

Israa, young Syrian refugee

Israa turned to her teacher. “Even my parents say you…” She paused, both moved and embarrassed, as if compressing her parents’ immense gratitude into a few words was mission impossible. “They say you are a very good person. »

Jacqueline, originally from Guinea, went further. “I find Marie-Eve really nice. I was very shy when I arrived… Thanks to her, I took away all the shyness that was in me. »

With a lump in her throat thinking of how far she had come, Jacqueline burst into tears. Noémie, seated at her side, took her in her arms. “Cotton…”


Noemie and Jacqueline

Silence stirred and misty looks on the stage of the auditorium.

When Marie-Ève ​​Gervais invited me to meet her students at École Polyvalente Saint-Jérôme, she hadn’t told me to bring my tissues.

She did not invite me to throw flowers at her, but to give a voice to her young proteges, immigrants and refugees, who will take to the stage at the Gilles-Vigneault Theater in Saint-Jérôme on June 9. in order to present the play to the general public Upcoming storiesalongside six non-immigrant Middle Years Program (IEP) students.

Everyone has their opinion on the francization of immigrants. But in the blind spot of our fiery debates, the stories of these young people, made up of bereavements and new beginnings, most often remain invisible. Their voices are rarely heard.

To free the voice of her students, Marie-Ève ​​Gervais called on the director Tomas Sierra, who leads, in collaboration with the SHERPA University Institute, multilingual theater workshops for refugee and immigrant students.

The students of Mme Marie-Ève ​​are 12 to 16 years old. They are from Colombia, Nigeria, Syria, the Central African Republic, Guinea, Congo… Some arrived via the Roxham road. Many have stayed in refugee camps. Many have experienced trauma. Some were illiterate when they arrived. Many, although in school, have to catch up on schoolwork because of having had to interrupt their studies because of the war or exile. All are thirsty to be accepted and heard. Hence the idea of ​​this unique and overwhelming project.


Tomas Sierra, director of the play Upcoming stories

Through the workshops that led to the show Upcoming stories, the students were asked to tell their stories. “The idea is that we are all beings of stories that we carry within us. Sharing these stories builds connections. It generates feelings of empathy,” says Tomas Sierra, who was inspired by Robert Lepage’s Repère creation method.

The approach makes it possible to get out of the miserable image in which we tend to confine refugees. “What we would like to share is the strength it takes to get through all of this and get to where they are today. »


Esther, from Congo

It’s mission accomplished. Attending the play, we are amazed to see these young people take the stage, most of whom did not speak a word of French when they arrived. We are touched by their stories. We are moved by the song composed by Esther, originally from the Congo, who, on arriving here, knew a single sentence in French (“Hello, my name is Esther”). His refrain: “You always have to have the courage to go away and turn the page. »


The exercise of creation, in this playful and protective space of the theater, has beneficial effects both for the learning and the French language of the students and for their well-being, underlines Marie-Ève ​​Gervais.

Israa, who recounts what it is for a child to see her school bombarded, to have to leave those we love and to cross a border with fear in her stomach, under a hail of gunfire, can testify to this. Telling himself through the theater brought him a certain peace of mind. She puts her hand on her heart. “It is something too hard in our hearts. So getting him out feels good. »

The experience was equally fruitful for the MYP students. Through this collective work, a space for dialogue was born between Quebecers from here and elsewhere, says Noémie. “I found it very enriching as a Quebecer born here. I couldn’t imagine all the stories they lived through, their reality in their country. »

Maya, who is an adopted child, found in this project a source of inspiration and a way to better understand her biological mother.



I wanted to do this piece to get closer to people who have lived the experience of exile. Since my mother had to do this when she was young and I don’t really know her.


For a long time the only black woman in her class, Maya confides that she suffered from it, especially in primary school. Even today, he sometimes experiences racism.

“By getting closer to black people, it allowed me to gain more confidence and not be ashamed of being black… Because I’ve always been ashamed, I’ve always wanted to be white. Thanks to the francization students, I was able to regain my self-confidence. I thank them. »

Me too, after attending the rehearsal ofUpcoming storiesI wanted to thank and congratulate all its artisans: Jacqueline, Trésor, Tatiana, Divine, Diégo, Brian, Augustine, Euphrasia, Désiré, Grace, Jose, Israa, Ethan, Emy, Noémie, Évelyne, Mia, Taym , Esther, Blandine, Maya and the director Tomas.

To all of you – and to the lovely lady – thank you.

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