“The extremes have nothing to offer”, annoys Xavier Bertrand

The LR president of the Hauts-de-France region and president of the Nous France movement, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday October 16, 2023.

Xavier Bertrand, LR president of the Hauts-de-France region and president of the Nous France movement, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday October 16, 2023. He answered questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.

Arras attack: “We want it to stop”

“The tragedy could have been much worse” and “everyone was exemplary”, notes Xavier Bertrand, after the death of a French teacher in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) on Friday. “We want all this to stop”, he adds. Three other staff members were injured in the attack. According to doctors, and according to his family, the “days would no longer be in danger” for the manager of the regional teams, “the one who intervened to save the one on the ground”indicates Xavier Bertrand. “The other agent who was on the ground, who was saved by the intervention of his colleague, plans to return to work this morning” and a physical education teacher, “very very seriously injured”but “His days are not in danger”.

Terrorism: “We are fed up with these vultures that are these extremes”

“We are fed up with these vultures that are these extremes”, annoys Xavier Bertrand, targeting La France Insoumise and the National Rally. Marine Le Pen denounced the failures in the surveillance of the main suspect, file S, in the terrorist attack on Friday at the Gambetta – Carnot school campus in Arras. “I see no other opportunity than this for Mr. Darmanin to implement this resignation”she reacted after the death of French teacher Dominique Bernard. “She only has that to offer? The extremes have nothing to offer”replies Xavier Bertrand. “She wants to protect the French by asking for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior. We are fed up with these vultures that are the extremes. We are fed up on one side with the LFI, on the other side with the National Front”he declares.

Arras attack: “We must get rid of the dangerous”

“We have to get rid of the dangerous”, reacts Xavier Bertrand, three days after the attack in a high school in Arras. The LR president of the Hauts-de-France region wishes that “as soon as an OQTF, an obligation to leave French territory, has been issued”foreigners be “compulsorily placed in administrative detention”. He specifies that this proposal targets those who are likely to “pose a problem to public order”especially when the intelligence services think they are “radicalized”that they risk “switch into terrorism”. “In no country is there zero risk,” underlines Xavier Bertrand, but he considers that “at home, in France, the risk is much too great”. He invites “public officials” to bring “this long-term fight against this Islamic terrorism”because “people need to unite”.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Monday October 16, 2023:

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