“The extreme right is waging a permanent war against nature,” denounces Marie Toussaint

The head of the Green list in the European elections calls on its partners to get their act together. It is the “responsibility” of the left “to build an alternative to the extreme right and to the naive policies of ecological inconsistency and destruction of social protections that are Emmanuel Macron’s policies”.


Reading time: 2 min

Marie Toussaint, head of the Ecologist list in the European elections, May 29, 2024 on France Inter.  (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“The extreme right is waging a permanent war against nature, against all environmental protection legislation”, denounces Wednesday May 29 on France Inter Marie Toussaint, head of the list of Ecologists in the European elections. Two weeks before the election, the environmentalist candidate hammers home her formula, according to which voters will have to choose between “a Brown Pact, made of climate skepticism and fascism revisited” And “a Green Deal, that is to say the pursuit of the ecological transition in social justice”. She considers that given “the state of the climate emergency, the environmental emergency and the health emergency, it is the Green Deal that we must choose”.

Marie Toussaint also explains why the term immigration does not appear in the summary of the program in her list, and only once in its long version. The MEP justifies this choice, maintaining that her party is not “under the domination of the extreme right”. “We do not think that the other, that the foreigner is the cause of all the misfortunes of the world and therefore that immigration should be the subject of this election”, she insists. She thus puts forward her proposals on the theme of immigration which aim, according to her, “to respect the values ​​of Europe, that is to say dignity, the refusal of degrading treatment inflicted on other human beings”namely the “co-development”there “solidarity between Member States” And “the integration”.

For the head of the list, the Ecologists, the June 9 vote has priority “the fate of Europe”although “everyone [veuille] make it a national election.” In this context, she “call each and every one [à gauche] to responsibility”, judging neither “meek, nor dignified” attacks coming in particular from Manon Aubry, head of the LFI list. Marie Toussaint also recalls that she has always “refused the war of the left” and insists on the need to unite. “When we have the extreme right which is plaguing France and the continent, waging a merciless war on environmental legislation at a time of climate change, we must be strong and act together,” she says.

The MEP considers that it “It is absolutely necessary to reconstitute this union of the left because when it is divided, it loses.” “Faced with the rise of the far right, we cannot afford to lose”, she adds. She regrets that “in his last blog post Jean-Luc Mélenchon said that the union of the left was no longer possible” and having heard “Raphaël Glucksmann says it is out of the question to work with La France insoumise”. “Pull yourself together!” she reacts. Marie Toussaint argues that it is “responsibility” from the left “to build an alternative to the extreme right and to the naive policies of ecological inconsistency and destruction of social protections that are Emmanuel Macron’s policy.”

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