the extraordinary session of the National Assembly will end on August 7, work will resume on October 3

“There will be no extraordinary session in September”, announced to franceinfo the entourage of Franck Riester, the Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament.

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The extraordinary session of the National Assembly will end on August 7 and the work of the deputies will resume on October 3announced on Tuesday July 26 to franceinfo the entourage of Franck Riester, the Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament. Before closing the debates, the deputies will examine the purchasing power bill, the thorny amending finance bill (“PLFR”) and the health bill. “In order to give consultation with parliamentarians and with the French on the texts for the start of the school year all the time necessary, there will be no extraordinary session in Septemberexplains the entourage of the minister.

This parliamentary calendar fits “in the new method of compromise and dialogue desired by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister with Parliament”, declares the entourage of the minister. In this calendar, Franck Riester will continue his consultations with the presidents of the assemblies and the political groups “to continue to develop the relationship between Parliament and the government”adds the entourage.

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