the extension of teleworking is variously appreciated by employees

Walking quickly at the foot of the Montparnasse tower, Mohammed is going to take his lunch break with a colleague. At the moment this salesperson only works from home one day a week and that is enough for him. “It’s boring, it’s not a life to stay locked up, he exclaims. It’s better to be outdoors and interact with other people rather than with your wall. “ Faced with the 5th wave of Covid-19, the Prime Minister invited, during a press conference on Monday, December 6, companies to spend two or three days working from home. This is a recommendation but Jean Castex considers an obligation if this recommendation does not work.

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Mohammed is therefore awaiting a decision from his company on an extension of home working. His team leader Koceila is not in favor: “It’s a little less enjoyable than a full day of normal work where I moved. Two days is the most I could take. “ Koceila also finds it more complicated to motivate his troops from a distance. There is clearly a loss of efficiency for Adrien, an executive in the construction industry. His company is awaiting a possible obligation to increase teleworking. “It’s a lot of phone, complains Adrien. We have the guys who come back to the office in the evening so we have the information live with them. “

“Teleworking means having to double the calls, it wastes more time on certain tasks.”

Adrien, construction manager

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Waste of time and also lack of comfort at home adds his colleague Younes: “If I turn on my heating my company does not pay for it for me. I do not have a suitable seat. With my wife, someone must be in the living room and the other in the bedroom. It’s not easy to stay in the same room all day, it’s not easy. ”

Teleworking is simpler and even much appreciated for Solenne. She is an audiovisual fiction advisor and switched to three days of telecommuting last week. “It’s going pretty well because I have a job where I have to read a lot”, says Solènne.

“Finally I find that I am more efficient at home than at the office where we are interrupted.”

Solenne, fiction advisor

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Ludovic, a complementary health worker, even dreams of going back to telecommuting. “If I had five days, I could go elsewhere. During the confinement I was in the south of France so it was nice”, says Ludovic who would appreciate precisely “A small confinement in December” to be able to leave, even if he recognizes that for “the economy would not be a very good thing “. Without going that far, many regret the cancellations of end-of-year pots, which would have made it possible to see distant colleagues again by teleworking.

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