the explosion of the Kakhovka dam could have serious consequences



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Can the Kremlin afford another defeat without a strong response? This is the object of all the worries of the moment, after the order given to evacuate Kherson. We find Maryse Burgot in duplex, to take stock of the situation.

It is a dam on the Dnieper river which is still the object of all the attention of the intelligence services. Its explosion could have serious consequences. “After the nuclear threat, here is the threat of engulfment. If this Kakhovka dam were blown up, there would be large-scale floods and thousands of victims in this region of Kherson, which is still under the control of the Russians”reports Maryse Burgot, in duplex in the Kherson region.

“Who would benefit from blowing up this strategic place? According to the Ukrainian president, it’s clear, it’s Vladimir Putin. Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Vladimir Putin of being ready for anything to stop the advance of troops from kyiv. ‘False ‘, retort the Russians. According to them, it is on the contrary the Ukrainians who regularly bombard this dam, among other things, because it supplies water to the Crimea, this region annexed by Moscow. And in the middle of all this, you have a new times thousands of paralyzed civilians, fleeing under the recommendations of Moscow”says Maryse Burgot, special correspondent for France Télévisions.

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