“The exemplary Republic of Emmanuel Macron is turning into a Republic of business”, denounces Manon Aubry, MEP LFI

As franceinfo revealed on Monday, the secretary general of the Élysée was indicted on September 23 for illegal taking of interests in the investigation into his links with the shipowner MSC. The Head of State has decided to keep him in his post.

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“The exemplary Republic that Emmanuel Macron promised us is turning into a Republic of business”, denounced Monday, October 3 on franceinfo, Manon Aubry, MEP La France insoumise, president of the left group in the European Parliament, after the indictment of the secretary general of the Elysée Palace Alexis Kohler for “illegal taking of interests”.

The Anticor association first filed a complaint for “illegal taking of interest” against Alexis Kohler on August 8, 2018. The secretary general of the Elysée Palace approved contracts in 2010 and 2011 concerning the Italian-Swiss shipowner MSC, founded and managed by cousins ​​of his mother. Alexis Kohler was then a member of the supervisory board and had not reported these family ties to MSC.

“Emmanuel Macron has never ceased to protect Alexis Kohler as moreover Mr. Dupond-Moretti [renvoyé en procès devant la Cour de justice de la République]dand cover them, denounces Manon Aubry, it is true that their maintenance in their respective functions”, is not acceptable, she says.

“The post of secretary general of the Elysée is almost a number two at the state level, points out the MEP LFI. Emmanuel Macron has a strong responsibility when he covers up to this level facts in his very close political entourage”. “He must be held accountable for the way he protected Alexis Kohler, he didn’t just close his eyes, he got wet up to his neck to protect Alexis Kohler”, insists Manon Aubry. “He must dismiss the Minister of Justice and Alexis Kohler from their functions”.

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