the executive wants to allow the French to “spend less and earn more” and says it is ready for “compromises”, according to Gabriel Attal

“We want to allow the French to spend less and earn more”assures Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Wednesday June 29 on France Inter, concerning the bill on purchasing power which must be examined by the National Assembly “during July”.

While discussions are underway with the opposition parties, Gabriel Attal says to himself “ready to watch all measurements” provided that they “help to improve the purchasing power of the French” and that they “do not constitute tax increases”. According to him, “Giving with one hand and taking away with the other makes no sense”. Nor is it about “downgrade or increase the debt over the years to come”.

Regarding the Nupes proposal to increase the Smic to 1,500 euros, the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts recalls that the government “does not want to go through an increase in the uniform Smic” who “would jeopardize small businesses that cannot increase wages by these proportions”. Regarding the proposal from the right to introduce a tax refund on gasoline, Gabriel Attal believes that “it would cost a lot of money”.

“It’s 35 billion euros, the equivalent of all that we have spent since the start of this inflation crisis to protect the purchasing power of the French.”

Gabriel Attal

at France Inter

“We want to seek compromises but it will be a moment of political and budgetary truth”, continues the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, convinced that it will be necessary “explain to the French how we finance”. “We address these issues openly”he summarizes. “This is not a new whatever it takes because there is a trajectory to reduce our deficits”explains Gabriel Attal.

The government undertakes, on the other hand, to extend the tariff shield, by ensuring that it continues to block a certain number of energy prices. Gabriel Attal also recalls that the prices of electricity and gas “explode all over the world but not in France”. The Minister also proposes “involve” large groups “to the effort”especially those who increased their profits during the crisis.

He gave the example of Total “which has set up a rebate at the pump of 10 centimes in addition to the 18 centimes financed by the State”. Further discussions are ongoing with the carrier [maritime] CMA-CGM “to drive down container prices and lower prices on a number of supermarket products”. According to him, “going through these channels is faster and more efficient than going through a tax that the State will have to levy”. “It’s faster to ask companies to put money in the pockets of the French than to ask to put it in the pocket of the State, which will then put it in the pocket of the French”he concludes.

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