Manon Aubry notes that the new secretary general of the CGT issued a clear warning to Emmanuel Macron by singing with his comrades: “If you continue, it will be all dark at home.”
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“The executive is right to be worried”, launches Friday, March 31 on franceinfo Manon Aubry, MEP La France insoumise, after the election of Sophie Binet as the new general secretary of the CGT. At the end of this congress, which is being held in full mobilization against the pension reform, the executive will have “facing him a united, united and combative CGT”, warns Manon Aubry.
>> Pension reform: Sophie Binet, the new leader of the CGT, confirms her presence at Matignon “to demand withdrawal” – Follow our live
The rebellious MEP believes that Sophie Binet has “set the tone” during his first speech at the head of the union, warning that if Emmanuel Macron “continued, it was going to be all dark at home”. Words which demonstrate, according to Manon Aubry, that for the CGT, “there will be no truce, no mediation possible” with the executive. She also judges “normal that the inter-union seizes the opportunity” and meet Élisabeth Borne during an upcoming meeting at Matignon.
Manon Aubry maintains that the partnership between LFI and the CGT “must be further strengthened in the coming months, but each in its place”. “Even if one day the left comes to power, we will always need combat unions”indicates the MEP LFI.