the executive anticipates the decision of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform

The first reaction Friday after the decision of the Sages will come from Matignon. Emmanuel Macron has planned to speak at the beginning of next week.

This is the longest day for pension reform. It has been more than three weeks that everything seems frozen, that the executive and the oppositions are only waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Council, expected Friday April 14, at 6 p.m., by press release. The Elders make two important decisions: one to say whether the reform is in accordance with the law and the Constitution, the other about the RIP, the shared initiative referendum.

>> INFO FRANCEINFO. Emmanuel Macron postpones his meeting with the majority executives scheduled for Friday

While waiting for this decision, the day promises to be very long for the executive couple, with once again two sets, two different styles, but a common objective: to turn the page on the crisis. AT Emmanuel Macron, the cape with this image of the president builder, visits the construction site of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, four years after the fire, a coincidence of timing, but a perfect photo to send the message that France can rise from everything. AT ELisabeth Borne, concerns and daily life of the French, with at the same time, a trip to a hypermarket in Eure-et-Loir to talk about inflation and purchasing power.

This will be an opportunity to show everyone that the tandem is complementary. During the Council of Ministers on Thursday morning, Emmanuel Macron publicly comforted the head of government by firmly recalling that it was her whom he had commissioned to establish a new reform agenda. They are several to be convinced that he again showed this confidence in him, during their lunch alone. According to relatives ofELisabeth Borne, there was never any question of her leaving Matignon.

A move is planned

The first reaction on Friday evening will come from Matignon, with a tweet or a press release fromELisabeth Borne. To talk about the rest, Emmanuel Macron will speak at the beginning of next week. The scenario is sketched out around the most likely option: a partially challenged law and an admissible shared initiative referendum. All this will not prevent the leader of theEtat to promulgate what has been validated, but it remains to be decided when. “Going fast would be a strong gesture”, says a pillar of the majority. But this will not be without consequence on the climate of the meeting promised to the unions. To get back in motion, a trip is also considered. The new course will be to concretely change the lives of the French. During the parliamentary holidays, which begin Friday evening, the deputies of the majority are also instructed to reconnect with the field.

>> “Can Élisabeth Borne really stay at Matignon?” Asks someone close to Emmanuel Macron

AT recovery, a text is planned to recycle the censored measures, in particular the senior index. The great law will wait until the fall. “It requires a lot of preparation”, slips a ministerial source who hopes that this will be an opportunity to move the debate on work in the broad sense. But no false hopes: according to several advisers, “no one thinks that social mobilization will suddenly run out”.

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