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The government wants to limit the progression of the Omicron variant. Announcements have been made Monday December 27: gauges are back for large gatherings and telecommuting will become mandatory.
Vaccination facing the fifth wave. This is one of the pillars of the strategy revealed Monday, December 27 by the government to counter the Omicron variant. Now, the time between two doses goes from four to three months to strengthen the immune system more quickly, before an epidemic peak expected in mid-January. Another executive decision: strengthen teleworking.
“Recourse to teleworking will be made compulsory in all companies and for all employees for whom it is possible at a minimum of three days per week”, said the Prime Minister. Other measures concern places of assembly: ban on eating or drinking in cinemas, theaters and transport, including long distance. In bars, consumption while standing or at the counter is prohibited. Gauges are making a comeback for large gatherings from Monday January 3.
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