A former resistance fighter revealed, 79 years later, the execution of fifty German soldiers and a French woman accused of collaboration, by guerrillas in 1944. Excavations began near Meymac in Corrèze to find the remains.
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The excavations to find the remains of the 47 German soldiers killed on June 12, 1944 by resistance fighters begin Tuesday June 27 in Meymac, in Corrèze, specifies France Bleu Limousin. A French Gestapo woman was also among the victims. In May, the former maquisard Edmond Réveil, now 98 years old, publicly revealed this shooting. A secret kept for almost 80 years.
>> TESTIMONY. “We didn’t want to kill them, but we couldn’t keep them”: 79 years later, a resistance fighter recounts the execution of 47 German soldiers in June 1944 in Corrèze
The excavations are organized by the national office for veterans and the Volksbund deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (VDK), the German organization for the maintenance of military graves. Thanks to the indications of Edmond Réveil, a perimeter has already been defined. A georadar, which analyzes the ground, will then probe the site until the end of the week. Depending on the results, deeper searches will be organized this summer.
The bones found will then be sent to the Institute of Anthropology in Marseille. Anthropologists will rely in particular on clothing and military plates to try to identify the victims. The remains will finally be entrusted to the VDK to be buried in a military cemetery.