the examination of the text suspended again in the National Assembly after Macron’s statements on the unvaccinated

A statement by the President of the Republic on the non-vaccinated sparked an uproar in the ranks of the National Assembly, interrupting the examination of the bill on the vaccine pass.

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It is a small sentence which outraged the opposition. The examination of the bill on the vaccine pass was again suspended in the middle of the night, Wednesday, January 5, due to the chaos caused in the hemicycle by the words of President Macron saying he wanted “piss off” the unvaccinated. “The conditions for peaceful work are not met”, said the chairman, Marc Le Fur (Les Républicains), announcing that the debates would resume Wednesday at 3 p.m.

Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday, in an interview with Parisian, be decided to “piss off” the unvaccinated “until the end” in “limiting for them, as much as possible, access to activities of social life”.

To a question from a reader of Parisian stressing that the unvaccinated “85% occupy resuscitations”, which leads to a postponement of operations, Emmanuel Macron replies that this remark “is the best argument” for government strategy. “Almost all of the people, over 90%, have joined” vaccination and “it is a very small minority which is refractory”, he adds. “That one, how do we reduce it? We reduce it, sorry to say it, like that, by pissing him off even more. Me, I’m not for pissing off the French. I plague all day against the administration when it blocks them. Well there, the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off “, he continues.

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