Carried by the presidential majority, this text has just been removed from the agenda. No new date has been announced.
Reading time : 1 min.

This is a new setback for this text, the first reading of which was unsuccessful last April. The examination of the bill of the presidential majority devoted to the “aging well” has just been postponed to Tuesday July 18, without a new date being announced. This text aims to respond to the challenge of aging and spending in France. Among the measures taken by the Renaissance deputies: a “one-stop shop for autonomy” and a professional card for home help.
The opposition denounced a “empty shell”far from there “great law” expected in old age. Critics have even been heard from the presidential camp since the Renaissance deputy, Monique Iborra, has given up being the rapporteur for this text. In April, she had denounced “dreforms that will not deal with the substance but only the form, the symptom but not the disease”. This former follower of the macronie called, in vain, for a reform on the rest to be dependent and the establishment of a minimum quota of staff in nursing homes.
The Minister of Solidarity, Jean-Christophe Combe, had contributed to this bill from the Renaissance deputies. He has since been one of the ministers mentioned as potentially outgoing in the future government reshuffle. The July session will therefore end at the end of the week in the National Assembly, with the examination of the bill for the reconstruction of buildings degraded or destroyed during the urban riots, as well as that of the bill devoted to green industry. The deputies will resume their work the last week of September, during an extraordinary session, devoted to the public finance programming law.