the ex-Miss France more and more absent from social networks, she finally breaks the silence and evokes a health problem which destroyed her

In 2009, Malika Ménard became the most beautiful woman in France for a year. But even many years after her coronation, the young woman is still as pretty as ever. A beauty that she owes to her face but also her dream body. A body that she maintains every day to stay in top shape and remain sublime. However, this is not without consequence… Because intensive training can often have serious repercussions.

Proof of this is with this big injury suffered by Malika Ménard for a few days. She had been appearing less and less on social media for a while now and fans were starting to ask questions. This is why the ex-Miss France wanted to speak to give her news and reveal that she had a “little slack”. “You may have noticed that I have been rather discreet on the networks for a few days… I have taken a little morale hit”, she revealed at first. The beauty then giving the reason for this bad pass:

big wound

“I trained at the beginning of the week, and it slammed in my left calf. So I don’t know, there are surely some who have already experienced it, it’s quite impressive… As much in the noise and what happens afterwards, where you’re pinned to the ground and you can’t get up or walk”. A huge physical glitch forcing Malika Ménard to go to the hospital: “So I went to the hospital and I have a stage 3 tear in my left calf. Of course it hurts a lot, especially the first few days and then after that it’s especially disabling.”

It is therefore impossible for her to continue her sports sessions and her intensive work to lose weight. “I can’t walk safely for a little while and sports don’t even talk about it”she continued totally dejected in her Instagram story before concluding: “In short, it gave me a little morale boost. I no longer had too much at heart to express myself”. Fortunately, the former Miss France can count on the support of her community and her other project which has allowed her to smile again: “there was the launch of podcasts. It really lifted my heart. And your feedback too”. We wish a speedy recovery to Malika Ménard and hope that she will quickly regain her eternal smile.

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