the ex Miss France and host Laury Thilleman victim of a crazy rumor after a photo out of the beach …

Since she donned the banner of Miss France, Laury Thilleman has come a long way. La Bretonne has notably become one of the favorite animators of the public service and she forms with the chef Juan Arbelaez one of the most prominent couples on social networks. In the capital, the two lovebirds are also at the head of several addresses where they share their love of gastronomy. But such an exhibition is not without constraints. And the former Miss France had the bitter experience this summer.

In her podcast How are you doing ?, Laury Thilleman returned to a rumor that ran around her and which particularly hurt her. “This summer, we reached a higher ‘level’“, she explains as well.”It’s July 2nd. I post a banal photo of a friend and I, out of the beach, to celebrate the start of the vacation. And there is the drama: a flood of comments, congratulations and articles announcing my pregnancy fall on the web“, remembers the Brestoise.

Laury Thilleman tired of being under such social pressure

Overwhelmed by chain reactions, the companion of Juan Arbelaez makes strong and poignant remarks. “This is delirium. I even wonder if I’m not really pregnant, people are so convinced that I am“, she says.”It is violent and so unpleasant as a feeling. For the first time in my life, I feel dispossessed of my body, my ovaries, my period, my own cycle. Of my life in fact!“, she adds.”As if I couldn’t take 2 kilos, quietly, during my vacation. Seriously, when are we going to give up on us with this? We are congratulated when we lose weight and we are told about our own pregnancy when we gain fat“, she points bitterly.

See also: “No you’re not nice!”, “What a bitch!” : Karine Le Marchand dezingue a candidate in the balance sheet of L’Amour est dans le pré

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