the ex-minister of Health Agnès Buzyn had “warned” but “nobody did not care”

The former member of the government has been indicted for her management of the first weeks of the Covid-19 epidemic.

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“Not only had I seen, but warned”. Indicted for her management of the first weeks of the Covid-19 epidemic, the former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn affirms that she alerted Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe in January 2020, but that she had no “not the impression of being heard”according to elements published Tuesday, October 25 in Le Monde (article reserved for subscribers).

“I was, by far in Europe, the most alert minister. But no one cared”she insisted according to comments reported by the daily, which says it had access to a diary written by the ex-minister during the pandemic. The world reports numerous text messages addressed to the Head of State and his former Prime Minister, the first on January 11, 2020, about the epidemic that appeared in China, which then did not appear “not yet in the media” but who “can go up”she wrote.

Despite these elements, “I didn’t feel like I was heard”adds Agnès Buzyn, who “did not arrive[t] not to have an appointment” with the President of the Republic, until a telephone conversation on February 8. Or a week before his departure from the ministry to replace Benjamin Griveaux at short notice in the race for mayor of Paris. “I should never have left”she says, adding that“we were pushing (her) in the wrong place at the wrong time“.

Until her crushing defeat in the second round, she continued to alert the executive. Thus this message on February 29 to Emmanuel Macron: “We are wasting time on the epidemic (…) The country is not ready!”. Or this one, on March 10, to Edouard Philippe, to whom she enjoinedt “to stop everything, as in Italy, as soon as possible”predicting that “it’s going to be the berezina in the hospitals”. “I felt that I no longer weighed anything and that I spoke in a vacuum. I was no longer in business and I was made to feel it”she adds today in remarks to the World.

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