The ex-CEO of Celsius would have withdrawn $10 million

The ex-CEO of controversial Caisse de depot partner Celsius Network withdrew more than $10 million before freezing access to his clients’ accounts five months ago, according to The Financial Times.

• Read also: Controversial investment: Celsius Network CEO steps down

• Read also: Celsius Network still makes the Caisse de dépôt look very bad

This sum would have been withdrawn from the accounts in May, a few weeks before withdrawals from the accounts were blocked for its 1.7 million customers.

Recall that Alex Mashinsky resigned as CEO last Tuesday, after hectic weeks at the head of the platform.

“I regret that my continued role as CEO has become an increasing distraction, and I am truly sorry for the financial hardship our community members are facing,” he said.

Fraud allegations

Since then, the man who was often seen wearing t-shirts with the words “Banks are not your friends” has drawn the wrath of empty-handed customers on social networks.

In recent months, Celsius, under the protection of US bankruptcy law, has been particularly rocked by accusations of Ponzi fraud.

Two months ago, the CEO of the Caisse made his mea culpa in the file.

“Don’t get me wrong, no one at the Fund – me first – is happy with the outcome of this file. […] But I want to make it clear that we had good intentions,” said Charles Emond.

The Fund not vigilant enough?

However, according to governance specialists, questions arise about the verifications made by Quebecers.

“What kind of due diligence exercise does the Caisse carry out? If she made a mistake in this company, did she do so in other companies? wondered Robert Pouliot, teacher at ESG-UQAM.

Joined by The newspaperCelsius did not respond to our interview requests.

– With the collaboration of Sylvain Larocque

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