“The evolution of the fires towards the north of France” is considered worrying by the National Federation of Firefighters of France

“What concerns us today is the evolution of the fires towards the north of France”, is alarmed Friday, July 1 on franceinfo Aurélien Manenc, colonel, representative of the National Federation of Firefighters of France and mayor of Lunas (Hérault). To prevent fires from starting in the summer, the mayor of Langlade (Gard) has adopted an order prohibiting smoking while driving or in certain public places. “The interest of this type of decree is to make our fellow citizens aware that the risk is very present”explains the Colonel.

>> Faced with the increasing risk of fire in France, what are the prevention measures?

franceinfo: What do you think of the decree of the mayor of Langlade?

Aurelien Manenc: It is important for us, firefighters, to make citizens aware of the danger at the start of the fire season which is a little earlier than usual with high temperatures, drought of plants which is important and a soil water reserve which is very low at the start of summer. The interest of this type of decree is to make our fellow citizens aware that the risk is indeed present because it should be known that 90% of fires have a human origin. In this 90%, there are 70% to 80% which are accidental. In the accident, there is the butt. It is important for our fellow citizens to be aware that throwing a cigarette butt out the window could cause a major forest fire. With temperatures above 30°, air humidity below 30%, a fire can start with a single spark.

“It can also be agricultural work, brush cutters which can cause a fire to start or a barbecue, fireworks, a lantern or a torch.”

Aurélien Manenc, colonel, representative of the National Federation of Firefighters of France

at franceinfo

Is prevention enough to reduce the risk of fire?

It is a permanent fight. Explain and re-explain again. We also note this year that the fires tend to move towards the north of France, which obliges all our fellow citizens throughout the national territory to become aware of this risk. These education and prevention measures are essential. Just like clearing, which also makes it possible to avoid mobilizing resources from populations who are threatened by fires.

Are the fires getting earlier and earlier?

Today we have weather conditions and plant water stress that we usually have around mid-July, end-July. This is due to the high temperatures that took place at the beginning of June. And then, we see that it settles down a bit. We are planning a much longer season, which has already started with a major fire in the Pyrénées-Orientales. This will continue until September-October. It’s been four months of significant mobilization. It is important that everyone pay attention to their behavior.

Have the fires evolved?

For several years, we have been confronted with the phenomenon of megafires when the weather conditions are met. Very dense fires that also go very fast, sometimes up to 10 km / h. It is easy to understand that when you run behind with a truck to try to put out the front of fire when it is advancing at 10 km/h, you are quickly in trouble.

Do you have enough resources to deal with these fires?

All the departments on the Mediterranean coast and now all of France are equipped with the necessary material resources. What concerns us today is the evolution of the fires towards the north of France, the fact that the firefighters from the north who came to reinforce the firefighters from the south will no longer be able to do so, and then also, a redistribution in the management of national means of control. The planes which today are called upon in addition to the Mediterranean fringe and Corsica to intervene in the heart of France and see in the north.

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