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The image is stunning and very symbolic. In Iran, the evening newspaper was hacked, while the country’s supreme leader was speaking on state television. Over ten seconds, slogans echoing the demonstrations that have shaken the whole country since the death of Massa Amini were displayed on the screen.
A live computer hack. On the evening of Saturday, October 8, the Supreme Leader was speaking on state television, when suddenly a mask in the colors of Iran appeared on the screen, interrupting the retransmission of the speech ofAli Khamenei. The bust of the guide appears surrounded by flames, with the slogan “The blood of our youth is on your hands”. In the image, four faces in black and white, four young women killed since the start of the protest movement which has shaken the country, including Massa Amini, 22, the first of them arrested because she was not wearing her sail.
Silence, then embarrassment of the presenter, after this coup, claimed by an organization of activists in support of the demonstrations. Again on Saturday evening in Tehran, fires were started in the streets. This is the fourth week of anger, especially among young Iranians. Dozens of people have died in Iran in protests since the start of the protest.